BK Stackers

The BK Stacker was introduced as a mouth-watering tower of meat and cheese, and more meat and cheese. Because of its layered and upwardly-directed construction, it became obvious that BK should contact the Stackers Union to subcontract the building of this new burger. The Stackers Union accepted the job.


Inspired by union posters, these BK Stackers posters announcing the new sandwich construction went up in real construction areas around major cities.

7-03-06 Burger King_Cooper & E 5th (5).jpg

A national radio spot sang the praises the all-American Stackers Union, working hard each day to ensure that stacks of meat and cheese and meat and cheese make their way to hungry lunchers daily.


An illustrated history of the Stackers Union became available online for anyone interested in learning more about the workers responsible for these new meat and cheese masterpieces.


Real collectible BK Stackers figurines were sold on late-night TV.